Spot's Corner

Earth Animal No-Hide Chew Update
March 20, 2019
One of the brands we carry, Earth Animal, was recently referenced in an article concerning...
Latest DCM Findings
March 19, 2019
Our pets are our family. It’s one of our core values, which is why we...
5 Pet Health Tips for A Happy Heart
January 31, 2019
5 easy tips to keep your pet's heart healthy and happy!
Our Thoughts On Recent News About Grain-Free Dog Kibble
July 30, 2018
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently raised concerns about certain grain-free dog kibble and its potential link to canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a cardiac muscle disease that occurs mostly in larger breeds.
Should I Give CBD to My Dog?
June 29, 2018
As the warmer days roll in, so do the fireworks, heat, and vacations. A great remedy that pet owners like to use to treat their pet’s anxiety, nerves, and even their chronic pain is CBD products. This supplement is still widely misunderstood, especially in the pet world. How does CBD work? Won’t it get my pet high? Will it put my dog’s health in danger? We’re discussing ten frequently asked questions and answers about CBD products and its benefits.
Spot On Bone Broth Recipes
May 30, 2018
Keep your pup cool using fun recipes for Healthy Spot's Spot On Bone Broth!