Spring Hairstyle Ideas For Your Pup

Spring Hairstyle Ideas For Your Pup

Feb 28, 2019Stephanie Aguilera

Spring is the perfect season to clean up and refresh, starting with your pup’s hairstyle! At Healthy Spot, we embrace all things creative, unique and out of the ordinary – especially at our Grooming Salon. Our groomers believe every pet’s haircut should be in perfect harmony with their personality and are masters at the Japanese style technique that doesn’t follow breed standard cuts or rules.  

Japanese style grooming highlights the popular Kawaii style that’s all about transforming pets into their most unique form! Every haircut is a work of art that is customized for the individual pet, using only hand scissoring for a precise cut. This technique has no boundaries, which emphasizes the groomer’s creative style. Our groomers pride themselves on not having one set standard style for every pet that walks into our Grooming Salon, but instead on hairstyles based on the pup’s looks and characteristics. Check out the different ways these pets have been transformed from the traditional breed cut to a Japanese style cut and get inspired for your pet’s next visit to our Grooming Salon. This March, we are offering 10% off any food purchase when you book a full-service grooming. Call to book today!




The first step to achieving Japanese style grooming is typically setting in the length of the coat on your pup’s body. Most Japanese styles have a short cut on the body versus the longer length in the traditional cut. This gives the groomer the ability to shape and form the pet’s fur to compliment the rest of their features that are styled next.

Leo’s Grooming: Body styled by Cindy Reyes (located at Healthy Spot Beverly Grove) and face styled by Koko Fukaya (located at Healthy Spot West Hollywood)

Feet & Legs



To provide the ultimate sass of a Japanese style cut, a pet’s legs are then hand-scissored. Rather than shaving them completely down, they are precisely cut and fluffed to make it look like your pup has bigger, fluffier, puppy paws! 

Biggie Smalls’ Grooming: Feet and legs styled by Cameron Adkins (located at Healthy Spot Santa Monica) and face styled by Koko Fukaya (located at Healthy Spot West Hollywood)

Top Knot Hair



Does your furry friend radiate classic or hipster chic vibes? Our groomers can tell you! They set up the look first by styling a pet’s “top knot” (top of their head). The pup styled above came in with a fun and courageous spirit, giving our groomer, Patricia Sugihara, the idea to give Griffin Newman a top knot hairstyle! But isn’t that a human’s hairstyle? Japanese Style grooming is all about being modern and eccentric! Rules are tossed out the window and anything adorable is up for grabs. What do you think your pet’s top knot style would be?

Griffin Newman’s Grooming: Face styled by Patricia Sugihara (Director of Services, currently not accepting appointments)




You think those puppy kisses are too cute to resist now? Just wait. Japanese style grooming rounds a pup’s muzzle to resemble that of a young puppy, rather than trimming the top of the muzzle short and leaving a longer beard like it’s done in traditional grooming styles.

Bella’s Grooming: Face styled by Patricia Sugihara (Not available for appointment) and feet styled by Koko Fukaya (located at Healthy Spot West Hollywood)




To achieve the “stuffed animal” look, groomers like to take each pup and give them a distinct ear style based on the pup’s personality and fur. For smaller dogs, like the one shown in the picture above, Koko Fukaya at Healthy Spot West Hollywood decided to cut the ears as short as possible but keep the fur long on top to blend in the ears with the head.

Biggie Smalls’ Grooming: Face styled by Koko Fukaya (located at Healthy Spot West Hollywood) and body styled by Cameron Adkins (located at Healthy Spot Santa Monica)

Fur Dye



Even fur dye is different in Japanese Style Grooming! In traditional grooming, the entire dog’s coat, ears or tail is dyed in heavy coats without any blending. Our modern take on grooming means we blend the fur to make it look natural and chic, just like how a human dyes their hair! Or, we add a pop of color on just one area of the pup’s fur, so it complements your dog’s look rather than over shadowing your pet’s natural beauty. What color matches your pet’s personality best?

Dom Perignon’s Grooming: Face styled by Koko Fukaya (located at Healthy Spot West Hollywood) and body styled by Cindy Reyes (located at Healthy Spot Beverly Grove)

Japanese style grooming is all about emphasizing the puppy that lives in your dog, no matter their age! While we still love a traditional breed cut, we hope these Japanese style tips from our groomers inspire you to ask for Omakase, or the "chef's choice"! Trust our groomers will capture your pet’s personality best in a fun and creative manner. Ready for your pup to try a new hairstyle this spring? Visit our Grooming Salon today! 

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